PANEL 5: Leaning In To Last Mile
Moderator: Cami Zimmer – Glympse
This is a data-driven age for Retail. Many are diving into sophisticated demand forecasting to help manage what is called the bullwhip effect – a distortion of demand and increased volatility that occurs as forecasts and orders move through the supply chain. The inaccurate forecasting, stock hoarding, overstock inefficiencies and out-of-stock products lead to real problems that affect everything from lead times for manufacturing, last-mile delivery, and most importantly the customer’s experience with your brand. Such analyses can help retail brands mitigate the impact of supply chain irregularities and improve the all-importance customer experience. In this session, you will learn:
1. What is Forecasting Demand and why is it important?
2. How can generating, utilizing and analyzing this data help retail brands mitigate the impact of supply chain irregularities and improve the all-importance customer experience?
3. What works, what may not work?
4. What is in store for 2023 and beyond?
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